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LOTR: Battle for Middle-Earth
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Going to revolutionize RTS playing, great graphics (compared to other RTS games), this will bring new life to the RTS genre.


Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth
4/5 Stars

           Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth will revolutionize RTS gaming, and will hopefully bring more players into the dying genre. In fact, that is why they are working so hard on the game. If the genre, doesn't get some new players soon, it could mean death. People have abandoned the slow play of RTSs, for FPS that make adrenaline pump through your blood, and MMORPGs which are probably taking over many of your friend's minds.
          Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth will bring in heroes and AI that are very impressive. I am not going to go in and tell you all about it, because you can simply download some videos which will explain to you much better.

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