Computer And Gaming Services

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Here is our most commonly asked question:
Why does your website look like $&!%?
Answer: So we can have fast bandwidth for when you download our files, you don't want slow downloads to you?

Our "Company"

        Ok, I'll start with this, there are only about half a dozen people in TECHwhile INC, and we all have different jobs, but they mainly revolve around having fun with computers (gaming, overclocking, building). Secondly, all that stuff that you see above, (those other paragraphs (buiseness philosophy) are there by default. I left them there because they have a professional tone to them.
        What I personally do for fun is putting together the ultmate gaming computer of the month. Sometimes, a lot of the parts stay the same, but when you see our stats, it is guarranted that you are looking at the best of the best.


Interested in ALIENWARE High-Performance systems? Request further information through e-mail.

Our Business Philosophy

Our mission statement or purpose could go here. For example, we emphasize selling a high-quality product and servicing customers in a professional and efficient manner. We only partner with reputable manufacturers and suppliers, so we have confidence in the products we sell and services we offer.

TECHwhile INC. * There are no limits with TECHwhile* US